Hafsarah Journal Systems<p align="justify"><strong>INFOTEKMESIN </strong>is a peer-reviewed open-access journal with e-ISSN <strong><a href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener"> 2685-9858</a> </strong>and p-ISSN: <strong><a title="ISSN" href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener">2087-1627</a></strong> published by Pusat Penelitian dan Pengabdian Masyarakat (P3M) Politeknik Negeri Cilacap. The journal invites scientists and engineers to exchange and disseminate theoretical and practice-oriented in the various topics include, but not limited to <strong>Informatics, electrical Engineering, and mechanical Engineering.</strong> Submitted papers must be written in Bahasa or English for an initial review stage by editors and further review process by a minimum of two reviewers.<br>The editors will only accept the manuscripts which meet the assigned format. Please submit your manuscript and Download the template <a href=""><strong>HERE</strong></a><br><strong>Jurnal <strong>INFOTEKMESIN</strong> has been accredited as a scientific journal by the </strong><strong>Ministry of Research and Technology/National Research and Innovation Agency Republic of Indonesia: <a href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener">SK-AKREDITASI No.200/M/KPT/2020 (SINTA 3)</a>. <br></strong><strong>Certificate of accreditation can download <a href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener">HERE</a></strong></p> Effect of Angle Orientation on Delamination Factors and Tensile Strength Values in the Drilling Process of Polyester Matrix Woven Fiberglass Composites2024-08-13T18:22:41+07:00Fajar Sri Ramadhan<p>Composite is a material that is formed from a combination of 2 or more materials. The orientation of the inclination angle of the webbing on the composite affects the tensile strength value. This research was conducted to determine the effect of variations in the angle of inclination of the webbing and the phenomenon of delamination on the value of tensile strength. The process of making fiberglass woven fiber composites and a mixture of resin and catalyst uses the vacuum bagging method. The variations used in this study are the angle of inclination of the webbing 0°, 15°, 30° and 45°. Tensile test specimens using the ASTM D638 standard. The specimens that have been cut will then be perforated with a diameter of 4 mm using a milling machine. Tensile testing was carried out using a Universal Testing Machine. The highest tensile strength value is at an angle of 0° with a value of 189.30 MPa and the lowest tensile strength is at an angle of 45° with a value of 34.25 MPa and for the value of the delamination factor has little effect on the value of tensile strength.</p>2024-07-31T00:00:00+07:00Copyright (c) 2024 Fajar Paundra, Eko Pujiyulianto, Abdul Muhyi, Firman Sri Bagaskara, Ilhan Manzeis, Ilham Ramadhan Siregar, Puguh Elmiawan Simulasi Numerik Defleksi Balok Baja ST60 dengan Variasi Pembebanan dan Tumpuan2024-08-13T18:22:18+07:00Muhammad Syaiful Fadlymuhsyaifulfadly@gmail.comMustafamusds@gail.comMuhammad Ikram Kidoikramkd23@gmail.comMuhammad Ghazali<p>This research aims to analyze the deflection that occurs through numerical simulation using Ansys Software in static structural modeling on an ST 60 steel square beam. The variables in this study are loads of 10, 15, and 20 N, as well as the types of supports, namely fixed-fixed, fixed-roller, and hinge-roller. The results show that the larger the load, the greater the deflection that occurs. The maximum deflection occurs at a load of 20 N. The fixed-fixed and hinge-roller supports show maximum deflection at a distance of 400 mm, while the fixed-roller support shows maximum deflection at a distance of 450 mm. Among the three types of supports used in this study, the simple support (hinge-roller) results in greater deflection compared to the fixed-fixed and fixed-roller supports. The hinge-roller support results in a deflection of 1.212 mm, the fixed-roller support results in a deflection of 0.541 mm, and the fixed-fixed support results in a deflection of 0.302 mm..</p>2024-07-31T00:00:00+07:00Copyright (c) 2024 Muhammad Syaiful Fadly, Mustafa Mustafa, Muhammad Ikram Kido, Muhammad Ghazali Arrahim Model Prediksi Konsumsi Energi pada Mesin CNC Milling untuk Mencapai Pemesinan Hijau2024-08-13T18:22:06+07:00Yohanes T A T<p>CNC Milling Machine is a machine tool that has a large population but low energy efficiency. The machine tool industry consumes about 10% of the national energy, making it the second largest energy user after transportation sector. To obtain efficient machine performance, the motion in the machining process must be controlled by setting the proper machining parameters. However, there is a contradiction in that CAD/CAM operators and programmers often do not understand the impact of such parameter settings and thus determine parameter values arbitrarily. This study aims to optimize machining parameter settings by providing parameter values proven to have energy-friendly performance. The method used in this research is regression-based response surface methodology. Based on numerical simulations and experiments conducted, variations in feed rate and depth of cut were shown to impact energy consumption significantly. Experiments and tests reduced the energy consumption value below 5A for 78% of the total process.</p>2024-07-31T00:00:00+07:00Copyright (c) 2024 Yohanes T Wibowo, Vuko A T Manurung Ensemble untuk Klasifikasi Ulasan Pelanggan E-commerce Menggunakan Teknik Boosting2024-08-13T18:21:54+07:00Matius Rama Hadi Suryantomatiusrama1999@gmail.comDanang Wahyu<p>Technological developments have developed rapidly and impact changing behavior in daily activities. Now, selling and buying activities are carried out in e-commerce services. The increase in e-commerce users is the main factor in improving the quality of e-commerce services. One of the factors to improve the quality of e-commerce services is customer reviews. Customer reviews are useful for shop owners to find out whether the product offered has positive or negative reviews. The large number of customer reviews is the main factor in the difficulty of shop owners in classifying customer reviews. This study proposes classifying customer reviews using ensemble learning with boosting techniques such as XGBoost, AdaBoost, Gradient Boosting, and LightGBM. The use of an ensemble with a boosting technique aims to improve the algorithm’s performance. In a test scenario apply majority voting to produce the best performance from each algorithm. The result shows that the XGBoost algorithm produces higher accuracy than other techniques are 92.30%. On the analysis of matric evaluation of precision, recall, and F1-Score, XGBoost produces higher true positive values than other techniques such as AdaBoost, Gradient Boosting, and Light GBM</p>2024-07-31T00:00:00+07:00Copyright (c) 2024 Matius Rama Hadi Suryanto, Danang Wahyu Utomo Android untuk Menghitung Sistem Pencahayaan dan Sistem Pengkondisian Udara2024-08-13T18:22:53+07:00Vicky Prasetiavickyprasetia@gmail.comHera<p>Optimal lighting and air conditioning are factors that support the feasibility and comfort of a room. Lighting and air conditioning requirements refer to the provisions contained in the Indonesian National Standard (SNI). The selection of lamps for lighting, Air Conditioner (AC) and Exhaust Fan for air conditioning needs to be adjusted to the needs of the room so that the device can work optimally and efficient electrical energy. The design of lighting needs and room temperature comfort is still done manually, resulting in inefficiency in the building design process. Therefore, this research aims to build an Android application to calculate indoor lighting and air conditioning needs. This research methodology includes identifying lux value standards, room position, and air exchange standards based on room type. Furthermore, an Android application is created that can calculate the need for lamp brightness and air conditions according to the applicable formula. The calculation results are displayed on an Android application that can be operated via a smart phone. This application was tested in several types of rooms with different conditions. The calculation results on the application are compared with manual calculations and proven to be accurate. This research has successfully created an Android application that can help users to design lighting and air conditioning needs efficiently and effectively.</p>2024-07-31T00:00:00+07:00Copyright (c) 2024 Vicky Prasetia, Hera Susanti, Mardiyana Mardiyana Pembangkit Listrik Tenaga Surya Bifacial: Pendekatan Sudut Inklinasi2024-08-14T06:06:59+07:00Haogqea Dhiyah<p>In this era, energy demand is increasing along with population growth and technological development. Energy is a basic need, and its availability is decreasing, necessitating renewable energy sources like solar energy. However, the current use of solar Photovoltaic (PV) relies only on one side. In this study, the bifacial method is used in solar power plants (PLTS) to reduce conventional energy consumption by identifying the relationship between the tilt angle and internal shading that affects the performance of bifacial photovoltaics. The PLTS system is designed with inclination angles of 8, 15, and 20 to minimize shading and maximize efficiency. PVsyst simulation results show that an 8 angle produces 22868 kWh/year, a 15 angle produces 22724 kWh/year, and a 20 angle produces 22464 kWh/year. Shading affects energy production, but the 8 angle has the lowest power reduction. Choosing the right inclination angle can improve PLTS efficiency and performance.</p>2024-07-31T00:00:00+07:00Copyright (c) 2024 Haogqea Dhiyah Ayu, Rishal Asri, Putty Yunesti Kualitas Produk dan Efisiensi Energi Antara Mesin Daur Ulang Limbah Plastik Pemanas Band Heater dan Induksi2024-08-14T06:03:53+07:00Almira Luthfiyahalmirays123@gmail.comTheresia E.P.S. Rahayuevilatheresia25@gmail.comSheptia Whiting Hayatisheptiawhitinghayati@gmail.comSaipul Bahrisaipultekim2010@gmail.comMohammad<p>The melting process (extrusion) plays a key role in the recycling process of plastic waste into plastic pellets. This study aims to compare the recycling process of PET plastic waste between induction heating and band heater heating. The comparative analysis parameters are from the quality of the plastic pellets studied including water content, cadmium (Cd), and lead (Pb) based on SNI 8424:2017 and machine energy efficiency seen from electricity consumption and production speed. The results showed that the water content, cadmium metal content, and lead metal content of plastic pellets from the recycling process with an induction heating machine, namely 0.33%, 0.00049 ppm and 0.0633, were still far below the maximum quality standard limit even though the water content was higher than the plastic pellets produced by the band heater machine. The level of electricity consumption from the induction-heated machine was much lower with a higher production speed compared to the band heater-heated machine, namely 0.0849 kWh and 0.099 Kilogram Per Hour.</p>2024-07-31T00:00:00+07:00Copyright (c) 2024 Almira Luthfiyah, Theresia E.P.S. Rahayu, Sheptia Whiting Hayati, Saipul Bahri, Mohammad Nurhilal Efek Gasoline-Butanol dan Gasoline-Ethanol Terhadap Exhaust Gas Temperature dan Emissions Mesin EFI2024-08-18T04:20:21+07:00Firman Lukman Sanjayasanjaya.ilzamy14@gmail.comFaqih FatkhurrozakFaqihyani14@gmail.comSyarifudin Syarifudinmasudinsayarif88@gmail.comM. Khumaidi Usaman khumaidioesman@gmail.comAgus<p>The use of gasoline in vehicles produces CO, HC, and NOx emissions which are dangerous for the environment. Using butanol and ethanol as additional gasoline can reduce pollutant emissions. This is because alcohol has a high oxygen content and helps combustion more completely. This research compares the Exhaust Gas Temperature and Emissions results of EFI engines using gasoline-butanol and gasoline-ethanol. The EFI engine used has a capacity of 150CC. The alcohol used was butanol and ethanol with a percentage of 5%, 10%, and 15% in each test. The test results showed that the highest EGT reduction occurred in the E15 mixture at 23.98% and B15% at 8.65. Meanwhile, CO emissions experienced the highest reduction in E10 by 53.6% and B15 by 44.6%. HC emissions also experienced the highest reduction in E15 by 70.5% and B15 by 66.7% compared to gasoline. However, CO<sub>2</sub> emissions increased to 17.07% in the E15 mixture and 11.46% in B15. This proves that the addition of ethanol produces more complete combustion than the addition of butanol.</p>2024-07-31T00:00:00+07:00Copyright (c) 2024 Firman Lukman Sanjaya, Faqih Fatkhurrozak, Syarifudin Syarifudin, M. Khumaidi Usaman , Agus Wibowo Tegangan Roll Untuk Produksi Baja Tulangan Beton Tahap Roughing Menggunakan Metode Finite Element Analysis 2024-08-18T04:22:42+07:00Agung Fauzi Mahardikaardima080102@gmail.comAsmar Lazuardy Eko<p>Concrete reinforcing steel is alloy steel with a round cross section using a plain or fin surface and produced from a material called billet. The production process for concrete reinforcing steel generally uses a rolling process. The stress on the roll that is generated during the rolling process is something that needs to be considered. Stresses that exceed the fatigue limit will result in failure and even damage to the roll. This research aims to determine the maximum stress in rolls at the roughing stage, namely roll 1H, roll 2H, and roll 1 with standard sizes. By using the Finite Element Analysis simulation, it is expected that it can provide recommendations for the maximum roll stress produced in the rolling process. From the simulations carried out, the maximum stress value for roll 1H is 190.34 MPa, roll 2H is 227.28 MPa and roll 1 is 136.18 MPa. The stress that occurs in the roll is considered safe because it is below the fatigue stress value of the roll material.</p> <p><span style="font-weight: 400;"> </span></p>2024-08-05T00:00:00+07:00Copyright (c) 2024 Agung Fauzi Hanafi, Ardi Mahardika, Asmar Finali, Mega Lazuardy Umar, Rochmad Eko PU Pembentukan Endapan Pada Transportasi Gas Alam Pengaruh Tekanan, Temperatur, dan pH.2024-08-18T04:24:33+07:00Akhlis Rahman Sari Akhlis Sarihidaya<p>Natural gas production areas and processing sites for use in the residential and industrial sectors are separated by a long distance. Contaminants such as H<sub>2</sub>S and CO<sub>2</sub> are present when natural gas is transported. The reaction process that occurs in the pipe walls will experience a reduction in material. A process that occurs repeatedly over a long time will form deposits at the bottom of the pipe. This research investigates the sludge produced by the pigging process every month. The sludge characters are identified using SEM and XRD testing, while the condensate is examined using XRF testing. The XRF results show that the presence of Cl<sup>-</sup> in the condensate increases the anodic reaction in the corrosion process. Condensate has a pH of 5-6, which will cause corrosion around internal piping. Sludge produces Fe<sub>3</sub>O<sub>4</sub>, FeS, and FeCO<sub>3</sub>. Fe<sub>3</sub>O<sub>4</sub> is more dominant than FeS and FeCO<sub>3</sub>. More FeS is produced by % mol H<sub>2</sub>S than by % CO<sub>2</sub>. Because of the existing FeS, the particles formed are irregular.</p>2024-07-31T00:00:00+07:00Copyright (c) 2024 Akhlis Rahman Sari Nurhidayat, Mediansyah, Nur Akhlis Sarihidaya Laksana Stunting Balita menggunakan Metode Ensemble Learning dan Random Forest2024-08-18T04:26:30+07:00Selma Marsya Wahyu<p>Stunting is a long-term condition that describes nutritional deficiencies that affect children's growth and development from an early age, especially linear growth. Examination of the stunting status of toddlers in Indonesia, especially at the Karanganyar Community Health Center, still uses book calculations so errors are still found in the use of formulas which result in inaccuracies in the classification of stunting. Efforts to improve research results were carried out using the Random Forest algorithm which was enhanced with ensemble methods such as the Bagging and Boosting methods to classify stunting data. The aim of this research is to find out which technique will produce the best and most accurate accuracy. The Ensemble Boosting techniques used are XGBoost and Gradient Boosting. This research uses a dataset from the Karanganyar Health Center, Semarang City with a total of 2000 data records. The test results produced the highest accuracy algorithm, namely the Random Forest + Bagging algorithm which obtained accuracy results of 98.25%. Based on the analysis results obtained, the Bagging and Boosting methods can accurately predict stunting data.</p>2024-07-31T00:00:00+07:00Copyright (c) 2024 Selma Marsya Finda, Danang Wahyu Utomo dan Implementasi Pengolahan Citra Pada Sistem Autonomous Sentry Gun Menggunakan CMUCam5 dan Arduino Mega 2560 2024-08-18T04:28:24+07:00Eki Ahmad Zaki Febrianto Asmorofirmandragster@gmail.comMufid Ridlo<p>Security is a top priority in various sectors, including military, industrial, and household security. Conventional security systems often require continuous human surveillance, reducing effectiveness and responsiveness. This research aims to address these issues by designing and implementing an Autonomous Sentry Gun system using the CMUCam5 module and Arduino Mega 2560 microcontroller. The system detects and tracks targets automatically, utilizing CMUCam5's vision tracking capabilities to identify objects based on color and shape. The Arduino Mega 2560 serves as the main processing unit, controlling motor movements and firing mechanisms based on data from the camera module. Test results show that the system can detect and follow targets with high accuracy under various lighting conditions. The color yellow with RGB code 255, 255, 0 has the longest tracking distance of 450 cm, while the color purple with RGB code 128, 0, 128 has the shortest tracking distance of 250 cm. This implementation is expected to be applicable in various fields requiring automated security systems.</p>2024-07-31T00:00:00+07:00Copyright (c) 2024 Eki Ahmad Zaki Hamidi, Firman Febrianto Asmoro, Mufid Ridlo Effendi Kualitas Aplikasi Grabag Guide Menggunakan Standar ISO/IEC 250102024-08-18T04:30:05+07:00Yusuf Wahyu Setiya Rafidan Birul<p>The Grabag Guide application was created in 2023 and is used by more than 200 users and there are problems in terms of user ease in accessing information in the application. The aim of this research is to analyze the quality of the Grabag Guide Android application using the ISO/IEC 25010 standard and provide recommendations for improving the quality of the application. The method used is a quantitative method where data from respondents is used as many as 42 users. The questionnaire results were analyzed using the Structural Equation Modeling (SEM) model. The result is that of the seven hypotheses proposed, six hypotheses have a positive and significant effect on application performance. Functional outcome scores (CR 1.980), compatibility (CR 1.825), ease of use (CR 2.225), reliability (CR 4.150), security (CR 3.789), maintainability (CR 2.631), and portability (CR 2.067). In conclusion, the important feature is compatibility, so this feature can be prioritized when evaluating the quality of the Grabag Guide application. The results of this research can be used as parameters for creating quality tourism applications in other sub-districts in Magelang Regency.</p>2024-07-31T00:00:00+07:00Copyright (c) 2024 Yusuf Wahyu Setiya Putra, Sukris Sutiyatno, Tri Yusnanto, Gatot Susilo, Muhammad Rafidan Birul Arzaq Deteksi Suara Gergaji Mesin Sebagai Indikasi Awal Terjadinya Penebangan Menggunakan Metode Convolutional Neural Network2024-08-18T04:32:22+07:00Ana Surya Zuhri Maulana Ahmad<table> <tbody> <tr> <td> <p>Illegal logging in Indonesia is no small problem, with illegal logging causing damage to forest resources in terms of quantity, quality and ecosystem. Many efforts have been taken by the Indonesian government, but it has not been effective in dealing with this problem, due to limited supervision. From this problem, a chainsaw sound detection system was designed as an early indication of logging activity. This system is equipped with four MAX4466 sound sensors using the Convolutional Neural Network method. This system also uses data processing so that the chainsaw sound can be recognized by the system specifically and can communicate remotely with the use of LoRa RFM95. Thus, the system can identify the sound of the chainsaw with a maximum distance of 50 m, the success accuracy of the CNN model created reaches 97.5%, and can be integrated with WhatsApp in realtime.</p> </td> </tr> </tbody> </table>2024-07-31T00:00:00+07:00Copyright (c) 2024 Ana Surya Ningrum, Adianto, Rini Indarti, Edy Setiawan, Afif Zuhri Arfianto, Zindhu Maulana Ahmad Putra Algoritma Random walk untuk Procedural generation dalam Genre Game Dungeon Crawler 2D2024-08-18T04:34:28+07:00Dani Ringi Dwi<p>The use of algorithms to produce content through procedural generation is an attractive alternative in game development. However, it should be noted that there are various types of algorithms with varying results, as well as their suitability for 2D/3D game types. Random walk is a simple algorithm that is often used in procedural generation. This algorithm works on discrete or continuous space, from an initial position and moves by taking a random direction at each step. The Dungeon Crawler game genre is a type of game that can utilize procedural generation. A game genre that developed from the RPG genre, focusing on the exploration of mazes or dungeons that are often randomized and full of various obstacles. This genre offers several interesting features, such as collecting exploration rewards, solving puzzles, and finding a way out. This research uses GDLC as a system development method based on Windows PC devices. The test results using the Black Box method can be said to be successful because the game succeeded in creating levels automatically by implementing the Random walk algorithm.</p>2024-07-31T00:00:00+07:00Copyright (c) 2024 Dani Arifudin, Dhipa Ringi Rizky, Andi Dwi Riyanto, Suliswaningsih Material Karbon Aktif Dari Pelepah Nipah (Nypa Fruticans) Dengan Metode Aktivasi Kimia 2024-08-18T04:36:54+07:00Rosita Ilma<p>Nypa Palm fronds has a high lignocellulose, so it has potential to be used as activated carbon. In this research, activated carbon will be made from Nypa palm fronds using H<sub>3</sub>PO<sub>4</sub> as activator and heated at high temperature. The aim of this research is to know about characterisation of activated carbon from Nypa palm fronds with H<sub>3</sub>PO<sub>4</sub>. Activated carbon from Nypa palm fronds was made by 2 M H3PO4 and the carbon powder siz was 80 mesh. It was found that activated carbon from nipa palm fronds has characteristic that are in accordance with technical activated carbon requiremet of SNI 06-3730-1995. It has water content of 3%, ash content of 7,25%, iodine absorbance 1129.41 milligrams per gram, methylene blue absorbance 123.99 milligrams per gram and contains the functional groups C=C and P-O-P. Additional pores can be seen on the surface of the activated carbon when compared to carbon without activation.</p>2024-07-31T00:00:00+07:00Copyright (c) 2024 Rosita Dwityaningsih, Ilma Fadlilah, Ayu Pramita Output Photovoltaic Menggunakan Pendingin Air Pada Pembangkit Listrik Tenaga Surya Terapung<p>Land requirements are one of the obstacles to developing solar power plants . One solution is to utilize the surface of the reservoir for the construction of floating solar power plants. Excessive heat from sunlight received by photovolataics reduces the effectiveness of floating solar power plants output. Excessive heat in photovoltaics can be reduced by cooling methods. In this research, a photovoltaic cooling system using water was developed. A water pump is installed to channel reservoir water to the photovoltaic surface. The cooling system uses two methods, namely the sensor and timer method. In the sensor method, a sensor is installed on the solar power plants to detect the photovoltaic surface temperature. If the temperature detected by the sensor exceeds the photovoltaic effectiveness limit, the water pump is started. In the timer method, the pump is run based on a preset time. Based on the test results, the cooling system is able to increase the photovoltaic voltage output. The average value of the timer mode cooled photovoltaic voltage is 3.79% higher compared to the photovoltaic voltage without cooling and the average value of the sensor mode cooled photovoltaic voltage is 1.02% higher than the photovoltaic voltage without cooling.</p>2024-07-31T00:00:00+07:00Copyright (c) 2024 Supriyono, Muhamad Yusuf, Purwiyanto Kekuatan Bending Material Komposit Fiber Metal Laminate Serat Kulit Jagung Bermatriks Polyester2024-08-18T04:41:03+07:00Mirza<p>Corn husks contain a significant amount of cellulose, which contributes to enhancing mechanical properties as a reinforcing material in composites, including FML composites. Several studies on composites have shown that corn husk fibers can significantly improve bending strength due to cellulose's strong microfibril structure, which enhances the material's strength and rigidity. In this study, corn husk fibers are used as reinforcement to investigate the effect of varying fiber volume fractions on the bending strength of polyester matrix FML composites. The method employed is hand lay-up, with the composite structure consisting of 1100 aluminum skin, woven roving fiberglass fibers, and natural corn husk fibers. The volume fraction variations used are 5%, 15%, 25%, and 35%. Test results show that bending strength increases with the increase in corn husk fiber volume fraction but decreases at a 35% volume fraction. The highest bending strength is achieved at a 25% corn husk fiber volume fraction, with a value of 108.84 MPa.</p>2024-08-05T00:00:00+07:00Copyright (c) 2024 Mirza Pramudia, Teguh Prasetyo, Mustafa Data Mahasiswa Menggunakan Metode K-Means Sebagai Acuan dalam Penentuan Uang Kuliah Tunggal (UKT) Mahasiswa2024-08-18T05:34:30+07:00Dwi Novia Purwantoadidokbayu85@gmail.comCahya<p>Determining Uang Kuliah Tunggal/UKT for new students is important in Penerimaan Mahasiswa Baru/PMB process after PMB selection process. The determination of UKT groups by The PMB committee at Politeknik Negeri Cilacap is carried out one by one by looking at the economic data of new students. This condition has become a special problem due to the increase in PMB quotas in the PNC, so it requires alternative solutions that can be used as one of the benchmarks in the determination of a new student UKT group in PNC. The researchers used clustering with features that represent the economic conditions of new students with the K-means method to provide alternative solutions. The result of using the K-Means method in clustering, yielding a performance value for the number of clusters 8 of 1669,283, with the highest number of cluster members in cluster members in cluster 4 being 72 out of 275 data. The Elbow method test results to determine the best number of clusters resulting in 4 cluster with a performance value of 2462,003.</p>2024-08-05T00:00:00+07:00Copyright (c) 2024 Dwi Novia Prasetyanti, Riyadi Purwanto, Cahya Vikasari, Rostika Listyaningrum Variasi Pendinginan Terhadap Kekasaran Permukaan Hasil Proses Milling Pada Material Stainless Steel AISI 3042024-08-18T18:43:38+07:00Unggul Satria Dwi<p>Machining processes in current developments are required to be more environmentally friendly, the use of coolant has a big impact on the environment. So air cooling media is an alternative that can be used to reduce production costs and implement environmentally friendly machining processes. This research aims to determine the level of surface roughness on AISI 304 Stainless Steel at depth of feed and cooling medium. There are two independent variables and a dependent variable. The dependent variable is cutting speed 63 mm/min and feed speed 950 mm/min, while the independent variable is variation. cooling media (room air, dromus, and cooled air) and variations in feeding depth (0.5, 0.75 and 1 mm. The results obtained from this test show the influence of variations in cooling media and depth of feed on the surface roughness of Stainless Steel AISI 304. The tools and materials used are Stainless Steel AISI 304, milling machine, dromus, cold air cooler, thermometer, pressure gauge, and tools. surface roughness tester. Tests obtained the greatest roughness results in the cooling medium using room air which showed a roughness level of 0.974 μm with a cutting speed of 63 mm per min and a feed speed of 950 mm per min. Then the smallest level of roughness is in the cooling media using cold air, namely 0.296 μm with a cutting speed of 63 mm per min and a feed speed of 950 mm per min.</p>2024-07-31T00:00:00+07:00Copyright (c) 2024 Unggul Satria Jati, Dian Prabowo, Heti Dwi Hastuti Pengaruh Penambahan Serbuk Pelepah Kelapa Sawit Pada Komposit Berbasis Semen Untuk Peredam Panas 2024-08-18T06:39:47+07:00Ilham Ary Rachmadinisulistianadinn@gmail.comMuhammad Riva’<p>In palm oil plantations, the fruit and empty bunches are usually used, while waste such as oil palm fronds (PKS) is often disregarded. However, pruned PKS can be utilized in the production of environmentally friendly building materials that serve as heat insulators. PKS waste can be used as an additional aggregate to create eco-friendly bricks by grinding it into powder and mixing it with sand and cement. A multilevel factorial experimental design was used to vary the percentage of PKS powder and the sand-cement ratio. The analysis results showed that the addition of PKS powder significantly improved heat insulation, resulting in a temperature reduction of up to 19.54°C in a mixture containing 20% PKS powder and a sand-cement ratio of 2:1. The percentage of PKS powder also significantly influenced heat insulation capacity, with an F-value of 7.0 compared to an F-table value of 3.88. Additionally, the interaction between the sand-cement ratio and the percentage of PKS powder had an F-value of 19.56, indicating a solid impact on heat insulation capability.</p>2024-07-31T00:00:00+07:00Copyright (c) 2024 Ilham Ary Wahyudie, Sulistiana Rachmadini, Muhammad Riva’i Damai : Desain Persuasif Aplikasi Konsultasi Kesehatan Mental Berbasis Mobile Menggunakan User Centered Design2024-08-18T13:51:08+07:00Ria Indriyaniriaindriramandhani3@gmail.comRujianto Eko Millatul Afriansyahferyafriansyah55@gmail.comHasna Salsa Dhiahasnadhia1@gmail.comSamsul AimahSamsulspeed75@gmail.comIrwansyah Munandarseventeenirwan@gmail.comRadeta Tea<p>Mental health is health related to a person's emotional, mental and psychological condition. Anxiety disorders are conditions in which individuals experience anxiety for short periods of time or intense episodes, where this anxiety can occur for no apparent reason. Damai is a mobile-based application designed to help overcome mental health problems, especially anxiety disorders among teenagers. This research focuses on designing a user interface that involves users directly at every stage of UCD, starting from user needs, concept design, to implementation of application prototypes. The success of this research was designing a mobile-based mental health consultation application to help teenagers who suffer from mental health. This application successfully provides several features such as mental health tests, online or offline counseling and pharmacy services. In trials conducted on 6 participants, the success of the trial can be concluded that the average direct success was 100%, the misclick rate was 25%, and the average duration was 38.1 seconds.</p>2024-08-14T00:00:00+07:00Copyright (c) 2024 Ria Indriyani, Rujianto Eko Saputro, Nia Millatul Izza, Fery Afriansyah, Hasna Salsa Dhia, Samsul Aimah, Irwansyah Munandar, Radeta Tea Makdatuang Biofuel Berbahan Baku Mangrove Untuk Substitusi Bahan Bakar Gasoline2024-08-18T13:53:52+07:00Syarifudin Yohanaefnan2003@gmail.comMuchammad m_mad5373@yahoo.comSuhartana Fatkhurrozakfaqihyani14@gmail.comFirman Lukman<p>Dependence on fossil fuels requires a solution through alternative fuels. Ethanol is the recommended solution because it is easy to produce using raw materials that are abundant in nature, such as mangrove fruit. The Rhizophora Mucronata type of mangrove fruit contains 45.22% carbohydrates and is not used as raw material for human food. The research aims to produce ethanol biofuel from mangrove raw materials using multistage distillation. Experimental methods were applied at the stages of mangrove flour production, mangrove flour property testing, saccharification and fermentation, mangrove ethanol distillation, and analysis of potential performance and exhaust emissions. The research produced mangrove biofuel with an alcohol content of 28% which was produced from mangrove flour and had an ash content of 1.91%, protein, 2.24%, fat 0.53%, and water 11.61%. In addition, mangrove biofuel has higher viscosity and density properties than Gasoline at 0.8067Cp and 0.8115 g per mL respectively. The use of mangrove biofuel as a result of experiments is predicted to reduce fuel injection performance.</p>2024-08-14T00:00:00+07:00Copyright (c) 2024 Syarifudin Syarifudin, Eflita Yohana, Muchammad , Suhartana , Kusnadi, Faqih Fatkhurrozak, Firman Lukman Sanjaya Economic Balance Pembuatan Alat Jemuran Pakaian Semi-otomatis Dengan Menggunakan Metode Lean Manufacturing2024-08-18T13:55:50+07:00Sukendro Broto<p>The analysis of the economic perspective of the cloth hanger semi-automatic by using the lean manufacturing method was studied and analyzed. The economic balance was consider all cost of manufacturing effort. the cost manufacturing of the hanger is to the device, material, cutting, and drilling steps thus assembly. The investigation is to the manufacturing lead time (MLT), and the brake event point (BEP). Production time per unit (TP), the effective work hour per man-hour, the production capacity (PC), and the Payback Period (PBP). The result of economic balances shows are manufacturing lead time (MLT) of 3,38 hours/unit, and BEP (Q) of 1,65 units per month, further, Break break-even point (BEP) is about Rp. 5.345.740,94 per month. So, the profit taking back regards to production capacity is about Rp. 24,672,650,48 per month after selling. The effective work hour of the man-hour is 6 per shift hour per day. Thus, production time reveals 44,92 min per unit. The production capacity per month is to be 8 hours per day and reveals 20 units. The payback period of the clothes hanger will take back after 2 months for more than 2 units sold. That is, the cost of the engine manufacturing will be refunded after 1 month during normal selling.</p>2024-08-14T00:00:00+07:00Copyright (c) 2024 Sukendro Broto Sasongko, Rivallulloh Produk E-commerce Berbasis Klasifikasi Ulasan Menggunakan Ensemble Random Forest dan Teknik Boosting2024-08-18T13:57:55+07:00Donny Wahyu<p>The increasing popularity of e-commerce poses a new challenge to provide customers with a more personalized and effective shopping experience. In situations like this, product recommendations are very important to increase consumer satisfaction and increase sales. Using Random Forest and Boosting ensemble techniques, this research introduces a method for e-commerce product recommendation based on user review analysis. The Aim is to test the Random Forest algorithm with several boosting techniques for ensemble learning. The results show that the Random Forest method combined with the Xgboost technique can provide product recommendations that are 87.25% more accurate and relevant than other boosting techniques. In precision analysis, Random Forest-XGBoost achieved a higher accuracy of 90% compared to other boosting techniques. Additionally, the combined use of Boosting and Random Forest techniques improves the model's performance in handling complexity and variation in e-commerce product reviews.</p>2024-08-05T00:00:00+07:00Copyright (c) 2024 Donny Saputro, Danang Wahyu Utomo and Fabrication of Feeder for Cardboard Folding Machine with Modular Approach2024-08-18T14:01:09+07:00Mohraffi Azura Pashaazrpasha23@gmail.comMuchamad<p>The development of industries along with increasing market demands necessitates the efficient use of time and energy. One such industry is the packaging industry. Currently, many packaging industries still carry out their packaging processes manually, which becomes problematic when faced with large orders in a short time and limited manpower. In this study, input and output feeders have been designed to be installed on a cardboard folding machine, enabling the semi-automatic extraction of cardboard sheets with a controlled folding process by workers. The purpose of this research is to assess the performance of the machine, reduce the duration of manual labor to prevent overwork, minimize time wastage during manual tasks, and ensure worker safety. The concept of a modular approach is employed in the design and fabrication of these feeders. Additionally, the performance comparison of the cardboard folding machine shows improvement after modular development.</p>2024-08-14T00:00:00+07:00Copyright (c) 2024 Mohraffi Azura Pasha, Muchamad Oktaviandri, Budhi Martana Bangun dan Pengembangan Shuttlecock Balancing Tester Dengan menggunakan Cooling Fan 120 mm2024-08-18T14:03:15+07:00Nur Aidi Ariyantonuraidi.ariyanto@gmail.comAndre Budhi<p>Badminton is a popular sport in the world, especially in countries such as Indonesia, Malaysia, China and many European countries. One of the important elements in badminton is the shuttlecock, which is used as a game ball. The shape density of feather shuttlecocks or synthetic shuttlecocks also affects the movement of the shuttlecock and produces different drag force values. Several methods can be used to test the balance of a shuttlecock, such as a method of throwing it vertically, the method of hitting it manually or using a throwing machine. Both methods show the movement of the shuttlecock directly so that it can be seen whether its movement is balanced or unbalanced, but this method requires a fairly large area. A simpler method is to use a shuttlecock balancing tester (SBT), but the current equipment is noisy and has quite large dimensions so it is not practical. This research aims to develop an existing SBT with less noise, smaller sizes, and more practicality by using a 120 mm cooling fan. The study was carried out to determine the required air flow speed and the correct size of the honeycomb hole. The results of the research show that the airflow speed required in the SBT so that the shuttlecock lifts per floats and rotates stably is 5.0 m/s using a honeycomb hole with a diameter of 6 mm and 4.6 m/s using a honeycomb hole with a diameter of 8 mm . Using 8 mm honeycomb produces air flow with a greater lifting force than using 6 mm honeycomb.</p>2024-08-14T00:00:00+07:00Copyright (c) 2024 Nur Aidi Ariyanto, Andre Budhi Hendrawan