Sentiment Analysis of Universitas Jember’s Sister for Student Application Using Gaussian Naive Bayes and N-Gram

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Keywords: Gaussian Naive Bayes, Cross Validation, SFS, Application Review Analysis, N-Gram


This research aims to classify sentiment in reviews of the Universitas Jember Sister for Student application on Google Play Store, a vital student platform. The primary challenge tackled is the automated identification of positive and negative user sentiments. The study employs the Gaussian Naive Bayes method for classification and uses N-Gram techniques for sentiment analysis. The dataset consists of 1097 reviews, with 673 negative and 424 positive reviews, after removing 86 neutral spam reviews. The data is divided into 80% training data (877 reviews) and 20% test data (220 reviews). Gaussian Naive Bayes is used for modeling and combined with TF-IDF vectorization. The findings reveal that the Gaussian Naive Bayes model achieves an accuracy of 68%, precision of 68%, and recall of 71% on the test data. N-Gram analysis shows frequent occurrences of words like "bisa", "bagus", and "aplikasi" in positive sentiments, while "bisa", "hp", and "absen" are prevalent in negative sentiments. The study concludes that the Gaussian Naive Bayes model effectively classifies sentiment in application reviews, with the potential for further performance improvements.


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