Mitigating the Risks of Enterprise Software Upgrades: A Change Management Perspective

A Change Management Perspective

  • Hewa Majeed Zangana Duhok Polytechnic University
  • Natheer Yaseen Ali Ararat Technical Private Institute
  • Marwan Oma Illinois Institute of Technology
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Keywords: Change Management, Enterprise Software, Risk Mitigation, Software Upgrades, Stakeholder Engagement


Enterprise software upgrades are crucial for maintaining competitive advantage, ensuring security, and enhancing operational efficiency. However, these upgrades often pose significant risks, including system disruptions, data loss, and user resistance. The problem lies in effectively managing these risks to avoid operational setbacks and ensure successful adoption. This paper explores the role of change management in mitigating these risks by offering solutions through strategic planning, stakeholder engagement, and comprehensive training programs. The research employs a mixed-methods approach, integrating quantitative survey results from 185 participants and qualitative insights from 20 in-depth interviews. Results indicate that organizations prioritizing stakeholder engagement, tailored training, and proactive communication achieve higher user satisfaction, improved system performance, and enhanced operational efficiency. These findings provide a framework for best practices in change management that minimize risks and promote successful software upgrades.

Author Biography

Hewa Majeed Zangana, Duhok Polytechnic University

IT Dept., Duhok Technical College


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