Mobile-Based Event Decoration Ordering System Using UAT Method with PIECES Framework

  • Hadi Jayusman Universitas Harapan Bangsa
  • Fajar Mahardika Politeknik Negeri Cilacap
  • Ratih STMIK Komputama Majenang
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Keywords: Ordering System, User Acceptance Testing, Pieces framework, Mobile


The Mobile Event Decoration Booking System is an innovative solution designed to facilitate users in ordering event decorations. By implementing the User Acceptance Testing (UAT) method and the PIECES framework, this system ensures that the developed application meets the needs and expectations of users. This research aims to identify and analyze key features in the ordering process and evaluate user satisfaction with the application. Respondents provide valuable feedback regarding the interface, functionality, and overall user experience through UAT. The research results indicate that this application can enhance the efficiency of bookings, reduce communication errors between service providers and customers, and offer a better experience. With the application of the UAT method, users feel that this system effectively meets their needs, resulting in an improved experience in event planning. These findings suggest that the factors influencing user satisfaction and interest are adequate and should be maintained. The Mobile Event Decoration Booking System has successfully improved the efficiency and effectiveness of the booking service, with an average user satisfaction rate of 95%.


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