Jurnal Pengendalian Pencemaran Lingkungan (JPPL) 2024-05-06T14:03:46+07:00 Theresia Evila Purwanti Sri Rahayu Open Journal Systems <p align="justify"><strong>Jurnal Pengendalian Pencemaran Lingkungan (JPPL), </strong>is managed by Environmental Polution Control Engineering Technology Study Program D4, Cilacap State Polytechnic, Central Java Indonesia. <strong>JPPL</strong>&nbsp;&nbsp;is a peer-reviewed with e-ISSN :&nbsp;<strong><a href=";1564646952&amp;&amp;&amp;2019" target="_blank" rel="noopener">2686-6137</a>&nbsp;</strong>and p-ISSN :&nbsp;<strong><a href=";1569550305&amp;&amp;&amp;2019" target="_blank" rel="noopener">2686-6145</a>.&nbsp;</strong>This journal is periodically published twice a year in March and September. Please submit your manuscript and Download the <a href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener"><strong>Template</strong></a><br>JPPL focuses on nine research areas including Water Pollution Control, Soil Pollution Control, Air Pollution Control, Solid and Liquid Waste Control, Bioprocess &amp; Biochemistry, biodiversity &amp; bio monitoring, Engineering design process, environmental chemistry, and Management of environmental pollution control.<br>Every journal manuscript must be submitted online via OJS and follow the writing guidelines and template files. The review process of the manuscripts will be carried out by a team of reviewers. The submitted manuscript must meet the standards of scientific report, content and reference quality (primary and up-to-date). Furthermore, each publication will be presented in the form of a book. Please contact us for further information.<br><strong>Jurnal Pengendalian Pencemaran Lingkungan (JPPL) has been accredited as a scientific journal by the Ministry of Research and Technology/National Research and Innovation Agency Republic of Indonesia: <a href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener">SK-AKREDITASI No.5162/E4/AK.04/2021 (SINTA 4).</a><br>Certificate of accreditation can download&nbsp;<a title="sertifikat sinta" href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener">HERE</a></strong></p> Penurunan E.Coli pada Air Lindi TPA Benowo Menggunakan Eco Enzim 2024-03-31T22:17:08+07:00 Cindy Marta Tilana Sri Widyastuti <p style="font-weight: 400;">Leachate with organic and inorganic content and heavy metals has the potential to pollute the environment. Therefore, alternative leachate treatment is needed. A complex organic liquid called eco-enzyme is the end product of fermentation of organic matter, sugar, and water. This study aims to determine the level of efficiency of eco-enzyme dosage to reduce BOD, COD, and E.Coli content in Benowo landfill leachate water samples. The technique implemented in this study was to dissolve eco enzyme using doses of 13%, 16.7%, and 20% into a reactor containing 7 liters of leachate water. Analysis of BOD, COD, and E.Coli levels was conducted on the 7th, 14th, and 21st day of each treatment. The results showed that the eco enzyme was able to reduce E.Coli but could not reduce BOD and COD of leachate water. The highest E.Coli reduction occurred at a dose of 13% from a concentration of 35000 MPN/100 ml to 1600 MPN/100 ml (95%). The highest decrease in E.Coli occurred on the 21st day of observation from a concentration of 35000 MPN/100 ml to 1600 MPN/100 ml (95%).</p> 2024-03-31T00:00:00+07:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Cindy Marta Tilana, Sri Widyastuti Potensi Tanaman Sangitan (Sambucus javanica) sebagai Fitoremediator Tanah Tercemar Logam Berat Zn dari Air Limbah Industri Pelapisan Logam 2024-03-31T22:14:30+07:00 Kania Salsabilah Nur Rifanda Ahmad Erlan Afiuddin Tanti Utami Dewi <p style="font-weight: 400;">Phytoremediation is an alternative biological treatment that can be used to reduce soil or water pollutants. Phytoremediation has the advantage of environmentally friendly waste products and a lower budget compared to physical and chemical processes. In addition, phytoremediation has the weakness of long contaminant absorption times, and quite a few plants that are used as phytoremediation agents die because they are unable to survive the high concentrations of heavy metals contained in polluted media. This study aims to determine the ability of the S. javanica (S. javanica) plant as a phytoremediator for soil contaminated with the heavy metal Zn from industrial wastewater. Phytoremediation lasted for 10 days by contacting artificial Zn wastewater with a concentration of 5 mg/L and as much as 50 ml/day on the test plants. The planting medium used was 100% soil (A1) and 50% homogenized soil with 50% manure (A2). Tests were carried out on each part of the plant and growing medium with contact times of 0, 5, and 10 days of phytoremediation. The plant used as a phytoremediator is Sangitan (S. javanica). The optimum contact time in this study occurred on the 10th day of phytoremediation, and the addition of a 50% dose of organic matter in manure had an effect on the concentration of the heavy metal Zn. The accumulation of heavy metal Zn in plant leaves was greater than in roots, with an average BCF of 0.694 for leaves and 0.308 for roots. While the TF value &gt; 1 represents that the Sangitan plant (S. javanica) has the potential to be a phytoremediator and has a high ability to translocate the heavy metal Zn.</p> 2024-03-31T22:14:30+07:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Kania Salsabilah Nur Rifanda, Ahmad Erlan Afiuddin, Tanti Utami Dewi Analisis Kebijakan Pengelolaan Sampah Level Rumah Tangga di Kalurahan Baciro, Kota Yogyakarta 2024-04-03T08:52:07+07:00 Endah Ayu Kusuma Nindya Christy Hamida Nanda Widhianta Qarra Salma Setiawan Yudistira Widinugroho <p><span lang="IN">The city of Yogyakarta is one of the contributors to waste at the Piyungan TPST. Waste production in the City of Yogyakarta in 2021 will reach 327 million tons per day with the largest composition of waste being household waste by 55.2%. Baciro Urban Village is one of the sources of waste with a volume of waste generated of 28.57 m3 per day. This study aims to determine the implementation of household waste management in Baciro Village before and after the Zero Inorganic Waste Movement Program policy, factors related to success and obstacles, and the relevance of waste management implementation to health conditions in Baciro Village. The research approach used is a mix method in the form of a combination of qualitative and quantitative approaches. Quantitative analysis was carried out simply by interpreting the data from the questionnaire results in the form of percentage graphs. The results of data processing and analysis show that Baciro Sub-district has implemented the Circular Letter from Pj. Mayor of Yogyakarta Number 660/6123/SE/2022 regarding the Zero Inorganic Waste Movement and succeeded in reducing the final amount of waste disposed of at TPST Piyungan.&nbsp; The existence of the Zero Inorganic Waste Movement Program has brought better development in household waste management in Baciro Kalurahan. The existence of this program has increased community empowerment and the implementation of the waste bank has been able to be monitored to the JSS (Jogja Smart Service) system. However, there are still challenges in terms of regeneration and the contribution of the younger generation. The inhibiting factors of the waste management process are the limited land and waste sorting bins, while the supporting factors for success are if there is sufficient land available and there is an increase in socialization or counseling regarding waste management. The problem of limited land in the implementation of waste banks poses a risk of decreasing public health.</span></p> 2024-04-03T08:43:21+07:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Endah Ayu Kusuma, Nindya Christy Hamida, Nanda Widhianta, Qarra Salma Setiawan, Yudistira Widinugroho Analisis Indeks Diversitas Vegetasi Hutan Sosial Sukobubuk Kabupaten Pati (Studi Terhadap Habitat Vegetasi Pohon Kayu Jati, Balsa, dan Sengon Hutan Sukobubuk) 2024-04-03T10:04:35+07:00 Amrizarois Ismail Bernadia Linggar Yekti Nugraheni Shresta Purnamasari <p><span lang="EN-US">Pati Regency, located in Central Java, is known to have many social forests. One example is the Sukobubuk Social Forest. With the management efforts carried out by the Sukobubuk Rejo Forest Farmers Group (KTH), the condition of the Sukobubuk Social Forest has experienced significant improvements. To assess the extent of this progress, an analysis of the vegetation diversitas index in the forest is needed. This research uses a quantitative approach with a diversitas index calculation method which includes frequency, density, dominance, relative number, significant figure index (INP), and diversitas index (ID). The results show that the level of biodiversitas or diversitas index in the dominant woody vegetation habitat in the Sukobubuk forest is still relatively low. This can be seen from the diversitas index figures for the entire vegetation calculated which are still below number 1 (H'&lt;1), with the highest to lowest order being sengon 0.154115951, teak 0.11926885, and balsa 0.078055196. However, forest management by KTH Sukobubuyk Rejo can be said to have experienced quite a development with conservation efforts, this is marked by the start of growth of vegetation habitat, although not yet significant.</span></p> 2024-04-03T10:03:26+07:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Amrizarois Ismail, Bernadia Linggar Yekti Nugraheni, Shresta Purnamasari Karakterisasi Alat Filtrasi Air Portable Berdasarkan Variasi Jumlah Absorber Karbon Aktif Limbah Tongkol Jagung 2024-04-03T11:21:06+07:00 Shafwan Amrullah Sahri Yanti B. As'urin <p style="font-weight: 400;">Sumbawa Regency is an area with soil water content containing lime. There was even lime blockage in the pipe holes used. So this research aims to create a portable filtration device that is cheap and efficient. The aim of this research is to characterize a portable water filtration device with an innovative absorber from corncob waste. The way this research works is the process of carbonizing corn cob waste and then activating it using 0.5 M NaOH for 24 hours. The absorber is then filled into a portable filter with dimensions of 50 cm in length and 4 inches in diameter. Filtration is carried out by flowing the collected well water into the water reservoir through a filter. Tests are carried out on water that has not been passed through a filter. After that, characterization was also carried out on the water that had passed through the filter. This characterization consists of Total Dispended Solid (TDS), Temperature, pH, Ca levels, and turbidity. The TDS value obtained decreases with the increasing number of absorbers used, namely from 203, 163, to 123 ppm. In addition, the temperature of the test water has almost no change. The resulting results were temperatures of 32, 33, and 32<sup>o</sup>C. The resulting pH value shows a decrease with an increase in the number of absorbers used, namely from 8.3; 7.7; 7.3. For turbidity, there was a decrease in the turbidity rate with an increase in the number of absorbers used, namely from 0.29 NTU to 0.3 NTU, and 0.28 NTU. In addition, CaCO<sub>3</sub> levels decreased with an increase in the number of absorbers used, namely from 330 mg/l, 290 mg/l, and 240 mg/l. This value has met the threshold set by PMK No. 32 of 2017.</p> 2024-04-03T11:17:38+07:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Shafwan Amrullah, Sahri Yanti, B. As’urin Variasi Lama Waktu Elektrokoagulasi dan Filtrasi Terhadap Degradasi Kadar COD pada Limbah Cair Rumah Sakit 2024-04-05T11:28:05+07:00 Salsabila Rahmawati Muhamad Iqbal Neneng Yetty Hanurawati Redi Yudha Irianto <p style="font-weight: 400;">Hospital wastewater is a source of environmental pollutants derived from medical services, including domestic waste and clinical waste from various rooms, so an appropriate treatment system is needed. X hospital wastewater has an average COD level of 101.69 mg/L. The purpose of this study was to determine the effectiveness of electrocoagulation and filtration exposure in reducing COD levels in hospital wastewater. This study uses an experimental method by measuring the dependent variable before and after treatment, but without using a control group. There are 3 treatments with a duration of 10 minutes, 15 minutes and 20 minutes with 6 repetitions. The sampling technique used was grab sampling with 36 samples. The results of laboratory examinations show that the electrocoagulation and filtration methods can degrade COD levels with an average percentage reduction in 10 minutes of 70.54%, the percentage reduction in COD levels in 15 minutes of 73.47%, and 77.80% for 20 minutes. Statistical tests using anova obtained a value of p = 0.009, it can be concluded that there is a significant difference in the length of time of electrocoagulation. So that electrocoagulation and filtration methods can be implemented in degrading COD levels in hospital wastewater.</p> 2024-04-05T00:00:00+07:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Salsabila Rahmawati, Muhamad Iqbal, Neneng Yetty Hanurawati, Redi Yudha Irianto Biokonversi Sampah Organik Kulit Pisang Menggunakan Larva Black Soldier Fly (BSF) 2024-04-16T09:53:05+07:00 Aulia Annas Mufti Sheren Thessalonika Nurul Mawaddah <p style="font-weight: 400;">Waste is goods considered unused and thrown away by the previous owner/user, but under certain conditions and processing the waste can still be used. An example is organic waste, organic waste is waste that can undergo weathering or what is usually called decomposition and break down into smaller, odorless materials. This research aims to analyze the effect of feeding rate on larval nutritional quality, residue yield quality and banana peel waste reduction index using the bioconversion method. Bioconversion is a waste processing process that involves microorganisms to convert organic waste into products that have market value. This research used Black Soldier Fly (BSF) larvae as a bioconverter for selected organic waste, namely banana peel waste. The variables used in this study consisted of variations in the number of different feeding rates with 4 variations, namely 40, 60, 80 and 100 mg/larva/day for 15 days, where each variation was given 3 containers and each container contained 2000 BSF larvae. The research results that will be obtained are environmental conditions during the bioconversion process and the value of the waste reduction index or WRI.</p> 2024-04-16T00:00:00+07:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Aulia Annas Mufti, Sheren Thessalonika, Nurul Mawaddah Kajian Kualitas Air Laut dan Sebaran Indeks Pencemaran di Pesisir Utara Kecamatan Palang-Tuban pada Musim Kemarau 2024-04-24T08:11:12+07:00 Mukamto Euis Nurul Hidayah Susilowati <p><span lang="EN-US">The northern coastal area of ​​Palang Sub-District is a densely populated area in the Tuban district with high differentiation of economic activities. The large population and heterogeneous community activities on the northern coastal of Palang Sub-District have the potential to become a source of pollution which results in a decrease in seawater quality. The research aim is to analyze seawater quality on the north coast of Palang Sub-District based on seawater quality parameters and the spatial distribution of the pollution index. It is hoped that this research can help local governments to monitor and control water pollution in the area. Sea water sampling was carried out in the dry season for 2 days at high and low tide conditions. This research analyzes the concentration values ​​of BOD, COD, NO3-, TSS, detergent, oil &amp; grease, pH, temperature, and Total coliform compared to seawater quality standards of PP RI No. 22 of 2021 Appendix VIII on Marine Biota. The spatial distribution of the water quality pollution index is the result of interpolation using the Inverse Distance Weighted (IDW) method from the results of measuring test parameters. The Pearson Correlation statistical test was carried out to determine the level of correlation between the parameters selected in determining water quality. The results of the research show a decline in the quality of the northern coastal waters of Palang-Tuban District with several parameter concentration average values ​​exceeding the quality standards, namely pH = 6.9 (QS = 7.0-8.5); TSS = 29.2 ppm (QS= 20 ppm); Nitrate = 0.4 ppm (QS = 0.06 ppm), BOD5 = 54.8 ppm (QS= 20 ppm), COD = 112.5 ppm (QS= 100 ppm). The water quality status shows that the water conditions are moderately polluted (ST1A), lightly polluted (ST1B-ST5B), and good conditions (ST4C &amp; ST5C). Controlling and reducing the pollution load entering coastal waters needs to be carried out to prevent the quality of coastal waters from decreasing further. One of them is by creating wastewater treatment at every fishing port and fish auction.</span></p> 2024-04-24T00:00:00+07:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Mukamto, Euis Nurul Hidayah, Susilowati Pengaruh Penggunaan Bahan Perekat Tepung Sagu, Tapioka, dan Beras Terhadap Daya Bakar Briket Tempurung Kelapa 2024-05-03T12:44:16+07:00 Junardi Asti Febrina Yuni Kartika <p><span lang="EN-US">The need for energy is increasing as the population grows. Efforts to produce alternative energy continue. One of them is by utilizing materials that are more environmentally friendly, more economical, and easily obtained. Therefore, the utilization of coconut sells in briquettes is one of the alternative fuels for energy fulfillment. The use of this material is also a form of handling coconut waste that has not been optimally utilized. The method used in making this briquette is by combining it with various types of adhesives such as sago flour, tapioca and rice with various variations in the on combustibility, moisture content, and shatter index. Variations in the amount of adhesive used were 6%, 8% and 10%. Drying of the briquettes was carried out in an oven with temperatures of 60°C. The results showed that the best briquettes in the 60°C drying temperature treatment had a combustibility value of 0.0300 gr/min with 10% sago adhesive. Moisture content is 3.8314% with 6% rice adhesive. Shatter index with a value of 0.0763% with 8% rice adhesive.</span></p> 2024-05-03T12:38:32+07:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Junardi, Asti Febrina, Yuni Kartika Potensi Pewarna Alami untuk Pengembangan Kemajuan Teknologi Sel Surya Organik 2024-05-03T13:18:06+07:00 Novita Asma Ilahi Kristiana Natalia Wea Erliza Septia Nagara <p><span lang="EN-US">Electrospinning is a modified technology to produce nano-sized fibers which can be used in making thin layers of semiconductor dye sensitized solar cells. Flourate – doped tin oxide (FTO) substrate was placed as a target for deposition of TiO2 nanofiber synthesized from TiO2 solution. The deposition process of a thin layer of TiO2 nanofiber was carried out for 15 minutes. The TiO2 solution synthesized is a mixture of acetic acid, ethanol, polyvinylpyrrolidone (PVP), and titanium tetra – isopropoxide (TTIP). Mixing the synthesis solution was carried out for 24 hours, to obtain a homogeneous TiO2 synthesis solution. The TiO2 nanofiber thin layer deposition process was applied under an electrospinning voltage of 25 kV, the distance of the FTO substrate as the collector layer to the solution syringe was 25 cm to avoid too large solution droplets. Before the deposition stage, the surface of the FTO substrate is first formed using the etching method by coating Zn and removing the conductive layer using HCl, so that a customized conductive layer is obtained. The annealing process of the deposited TiO2 nanofiber layer was carried out for 3 hours at a temperature of 450°C. The spin coating method was carried out to deposit a layer of Poly [2- methoxy- 5- (2- ethyl hexyloxy)- 1,4- phenylene venylene] (MEH-PPV). Coating variations are carried out with 4 different layer thicknesses. MEH – PPV was prepared by mixing chlorobenzene and stirring for 18 hours. Testing and characterization was carried out using current and voltage characterization (I – V meter), as well as image characterization using Scanning Electron Microscopy (SEM) as an analysis of the influence of layers on organic solar cells.</span></p> 2024-05-03T13:14:48+07:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Novita Asma Ilahi, Kristiana Natalia Wea, Erliza Septia Nagara Artikel Review: “Kondisi Terkini Kualitas Air Sungai Di Daerah Istimewa Yogyakarta” 2024-05-06T14:03:46+07:00 Nurfadilah Zakia Deliana Luthfiah Perwitasari <p style="font-weight: 400;">Domestic waste and heavy metals are common problems found in river water. Household activities around the river contribute domestic waste to the river. Also, due to industrial activities in the last few centuries caused heavy metal pollution. This article discusses the quality of Bogowonto, Winongo, Code, Gajah Wong, Opak, Belik and Bedog rivers for the analysis of domestic waste parameter values, while the heavy metal content for Bogowonto and Code river was excluded. The analysis method is purposive sampling and composite sample. The rescent research result on the observation of various parameters showed a fairly high waste content for domestic waste with BOD (Biochemical Oxygen Demand) parameters,while the highest pollution content for heavy metal waste is lead and iron.</p> 2024-05-06T00:00:00+07:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Nurfadilah, Zakia Deliana Luthfiah, Perwitasari Evaluasi Pengolahan Sampah menjadi Refuse Derived Fuel pada TPST Mengwitani Badung, Bali 2024-05-06T13:34:01+07:00 Thomas Agung Kurniawan Haniel Yudiar Widhi Handayani <p><span lang="IN">Badung Regency is the fourth city which is the largest waste producer in Bali Province, with the amount of waste production in Badung Regency in 2022 reaching 119,475 tons per year. On the other hand, the generated waste is only disposed of at the Suwung Final Disposal Site (TPA), without prior processing. However, as of March 2023, the Bali Provincial Government has begun to gradually close the Suwung TPA, due to waste overcapacity, as evidenced by the presence of rubbish piles as high as 25 meters. In response to this, the Badung Regency Environmental Service (DLH) built the Mengwitani Integrated Waste Processing Site (TPST), where waste is processed into Refuse Derived Fuel (RDF) with the aim of reducing waste generation in Badung Regency. This research aims to evaluate the process of processing waste into RDF at the Mengwitani TPST, so that it can be seen how much waste generation can be reduced through RDF processing at the Mengwitani TPST. The method used is a quantitative method, with a mass balance analysis approach. Therefore, it was found that processing waste into RDF was carried out by going through 5 stages of filtering or segregation. So, after processing the waste into RDF, it was found that the potential for waste reduction at the Mengwitani TPST reached 72% every day, and on the other hand, the RDF produced by the Mengwitani TPST had been adjusted to standards, namely SNI 8966:2021.</span></p> 2024-05-06T13:32:54+07:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Thomas Agung, Haniel Yudiar, Widhi Handayani