Penerapan Flutter Untuk Aplikasi ATK Bank Indonesia Perwakilan Purwokerto Berbasis Android Tablet

  • Daffa Arya Agusta
  • Akhyar Maulana
  • Muhammad Zidan Fathoni
Abstract views: 282 , PDF downloads: 331
Keywords: application, mobile, ATK, flutter


Currently, there are many organizations or companies that use mobile technology in their main business processes. This mobile technology is designed in such a way by companies to make work easier and become superior value. Along the way, Bank Indonesia's Purwokerto Representative Office had difficulties in demonstrating transparency in reporting the use of office stationery. It's a coincidence that the client has an inventory of tablet computers that can be utilized as an application platform to be used. So he asked for help with CV. Kusuma Buana to develop an application to solve existing problems. After a meeting of representatives from Bank Indonesia, the Purwokerto Representative Office, and the product owner from CV. Kusuma Buana, it was decided that the application was developed as an office stationery management application called ATK BI. The purpose of this research is that this research is part of the implementation of the Ministry of Education and Culture's apprenticeship MBKM program. Producing an application that can guarantee the honesty of reporting on the collection of office stationery for Bank Indonesia employees at the Purwokerto Representative Office. The limitations of this research are making applications using Flutter. The results of this study are the ATK BI application with features such as a list for picking up goods, taking photos for verification, verification of withdrawals that can only be done by a verifier, and printing reports for picking up office stationery. Based on the research results, it can be concluded that the Flutter programming framework can be used to create applications that meet the reporting needs of retrieving office stationery within the Bank Indonesia Purwokerto Representative Office.

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