Verifikasi Kesesuaian Alat Keselamatan Terhadap Non Convention Vessel Standard Pada Tug Boat 2 x 1100 HP

  • Naufal Abdurrahman Prasetyo Politeknik Negeri Batam
  • Muhammad Iqbal Politeknik Negeri Batam
  • Domi Kamsyah Politeknik Negeri Batam
  • Nurul Fadhilah Politeknik Negeri Batam
  • Nidia Yuniarsih Politeknik Negeri Batam
Abstract views: 305 , PDF downloads: 942
Keywords: ship, NCVS, safety equipment, tug boat, verification


Tug boat is a type of ship that serves to pull or push other ships for operational purposes. The process of making a ship, the planning stage of safety equipment equipment is a step that is taken into account because it involves the safety of the lives of passengers. Problems that often occur in the field are the lack of supervision and the error of certain parties so that the safety equipment that should refer to the regulations is not implemented. The purpose of this study was to verify the safety equipment on one of the newly completed 2 x 1100 HP Tug Boats at company X with reference to Chapter IV NCVS regulations. The steps taken in the research are the stage of entering ship data, the stage of determining the applicable regulations, the stage of verifying the safety equipment equipment, and recaping the verification results. The research that has been carried out shows that 10 items were obtained related to the installation of Liferaft, Lifebuoy With Self Igniting Light, Lifebuoy With Lifeline, Rocket Parachute Flare, Red Hand Flare, Orange Smoke Signal, Line Throwing, SART, and Two way radio telephon. with regulations. There is one finding that the use of life jackets is still not appropriate in terms of placement with reference to the NCVS regulations.


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