Perancangan Website Katalog Online Aksesoris Handphone Berbasis Framework Laravel Menggunakan Metode Rapid Application Development

  • Rendi Priambodo Institut Teknologi Telkom Purwokerto
  • Novian Adi Prasetyo Institut Teknologi Telkom Purwokerto
  • Irwan Susanto Institut Teknologi Telkom Purwokerto
Abstract views: 355 , PDF downloads: 437
Keywords: rapid application development (RAD), laravel, website, cepek cell


Cepek Cell is a shop that sells various cellphone accessories. Currently, the promotion and advertising process is still using the printed or manual model, where customers see directly the collections available in the store. Based on the case study the author designed an online catalog website based on the Laravel framework which is expected to help the process of promoting or advertising goods, expanding the scope of promotions and advertisements so as to provide benefits for customers and stores. In the development of the system the author designed the system using the php programming language and laravel version 7.1 as a framework. Using Xampp 3.2.4 as MySql database connection. System testing is carried out directly by the user on each existing function. The number of respondents involved is about 10 users who use the black box testing method. In order for the online catalog website of mobile phone accessories to function as a storefront facility and stock availability of merchandise, in this study, a website design was carried out by considering the storefront function and stock administration. Storefront features include product names, product prices, product stock, contact chat, product images, product ratings and product tags. Product stock administration features include adding products, product lists, product catalogs and adding product tags. There are suggestions in supporting research for the next developer, namely adding a transaction process for customers or guests and to increase the quality of the performance of the store, the financial report feature can be added.

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