Pengembangan Aplikasi Augmented Reality Sebagai Media Pembelajaran Tata Surya Berbasis Android Untuk Siswa

  • Muhammad Jauhar Alfi Tsani Institut Teknologi Telkom Purwokerto
  • Pradana Ananda Raharja Institut Teknologi Telkom Purwokerto
Abstract views: 286 , PDF downloads: 358
Keywords: augmented reality, vuforia, marker based tracking, unity 3D, solar system


In the world of education, in general, the Solar System has begun to be taught to 6th grade elementary school students, in which the process of teaching the material places more emphasis on explanatory theory from textbooks and little practice using simple media. With so not a few students and female students who feel that, with this learning method it is felt that it is very less effective. Development of an android application using Augmented Reality technology as a Solar System learning medium using the Marker Based Tracking method and based on Distance, Light Intensity and Usability testing, in order to be able to provide an innovation with learning methods that can create an interactive learning communication between students and teachers. In developing applications using Unity 3D and Vuforia Engine software to be able to provide interesting and interactive alternative learning media for students of SDN 2 Kelut Kab. cool. The method used in application design is the Marker Based Tracking method because the use of markers will be more effective and interactive if used for learning purposes. The Waterfall model is the model used in developing this application. Application testing is carried out by testing the distance, light intensity, and usability. The test results get the ideal use of the application at a medium distance (30-40 cm), with scenes during the day (90-120 lux), at night (40-50 lux). In the usability test, it gets a value of 90.6% or "Very Good".

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