Usability Testing Sistem Informasi Infak Dhafa Pondok Pesantren

  • Ratih Hafsarah Maharrani (Scopus ID: 57214718179), Politeknik Negeri Cilacap
  • Heru Anafi Politeknik Negeri Cilacap
  • Prih Diantono Abda’u Politeknik Negeri Cilacap
Abstract views: 165 , PDF downloads: 132
Keywords: Infak, Sistem Informasi, Usability Testing


The Baitul Qur'an Asy Suyuti Maribaya Purbalingga Islamic Boarding School is a social institution that was established as a concrete step that focuses on the field of da'wah. The activities carried out include, once a month, giving compensation to orphans and the poor. Based on observations made by researchers. Donors donate by depositing directly or through officers who will take infaq from house to house, then the managed infaq funds are recorded in the record book for the management of incoming and outgoing calculations, the recording process which is still written in the book results in errors occurring either in writing or forgetting to write it down. Another problem experienced is the limited number of officers causing the collection of infaq funds to take a long time and in making reports they are still inputted into books which are likely to experience errors both in terms of the amount of infaq, this reduces the integrity of Islamic boarding schools and social institutions. This research focuses on the development of the Dhafa Infak Information System at the Baitul Quran Asy-Syuyuti Purbalingga Islamic Boarding School based on the level of usability testing to make it easier for officers to manage donor data, income, financial expenditure, and more accurate reporting. Based on the calculation results of usability testing, the test value is 87.52, which can be concluded that the system has provided satisfaction to most users because it is included in the "Very Good" category.


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