Seminar Nasional Inovasi dan Pembangunan Teknologi Terapan (SENOVTEK) <div class="col-lg-6 "> <p class="fs-5">Seminar Nasional Inovasi dan Pembangunan Teknologi Terapan&nbsp;<strong class="text-warning">(SENOVTEK)</strong> 2022 merupakan ajang kegiatan pertemuan ilmiah yang memberikan kesempatan kepada para peneliti, praktisi, dosen dan mahasiswa untuk dapat memdiseminasikan hasil karya penelitian dan penerapannya. SENOVTEK 2022 diselenggarakan oleh Pusat Penelitian dan Pengabdian Kepada Masyarakat (P3M) Politeknik Negeri Cilacap.<br>Pada tahun ini SENOVTEK mengambil tema <strong class="text-warning">"Peluang dan Tantangan Teknologi Terapan untuk Mendukung Pembangunan Nasional Berkelanjutan"</strong>. Kegiatan ini ini diharapkan dapat mengambil peran dalam upaya optimalisasi teknologi terapan untuk mendukung dalam pembangunan nasional secara berkelanjutan melalui penelitian-penelitian yang dilakukan khususnya dalam bidang vokasi.</p> </div> en-US (Muhammad Nur Faiz) (Andriansyah Zakaria) Fri, 17 Feb 2023 00:00:00 +0700 OJS 60 Analisa Perbandingan Kinerja Penyimpanan Query Database Antara Stored Procedure dengan Function <p>This research was conducted to measure the data storage time carried out by the DBMS on data that has been prepared with an increasing amount of data, the data provided is consistent student data which will be stored with Stored Procedures and Functions. Stored Procedures and Functions can all be applied, but each has its own characteristics so that research needs to be done to prove who is the fastest and what kind of character is suitable for the needs and in accordance with the toilet being faced. In some cases, software developers are not precise in using the methods applied, so that problems often arise, especially the problem of less fast information presentation time. This study uses the action research method which has 4 stages, starting with planning, action, observation and reflection. From the results of the experiments that have been carried out, it appears that Stored Procedures are able to outperform Functions in terms of data storage time. The data provided are 2 different types of data, each of which has 500, 2500, 4500 and 6500 data stages. This study also compares data storage that distinguishes computers between data provider computers and data storage computers or servers, the result of which is Stored Procedure is able to outperform the function in data storage speed.</p> Abednego Dwi Septiadi, Eka Tripustikasari Copyright (c) 2023 Abednego Dwi Septiadi, Eka Tripustikasari Fri, 17 Feb 2023 00:00:00 +0700 Sistem Pengecekan Lembar Jawaban Komputer Dengan Optical Mark Recognition (OMR) Berbasis Open Computer Vision Python <p>The computer answer sheet checking system is no stranger to being used during exams at educational institutions or at a non-educational institution. Generally, the method used when checking computer answer sheets is to use the OMR (Optical Mark Recognition) method. Generally, OMR technology is expensive and makes OMR use limited for certain institution. An alternative that we can use is computer vision technology which we can use from several open source libraries and OpenCV is one of them. The author tries to build an alternative OMR LJK checking system using OpenCV in Python. In addition to building the LJK checking system, the author also conducted tests to determine the consistency of the accuracy of the values ​​generated by the system with several test scenarios. The test uses the way the results are compared with manual checking by humans. As a result, the LJK checking system is able to consistently produce accurate values ​​as long as the LJK conditions are not too tilted, not too bright or too dark for the lighting.</p> Iqlima Zahari, Zudha Pratama, Wildan Mahmud, Dibyo Adi Wibowo Copyright (c) 2023 Iqlima Zahari, Zudha Pratama, Wildan Mahmud, Dibyo Adi Wibowo Fri, 17 Feb 2023 00:00:00 +0700 Pengembangan Aplikasi Augmented Reality Sebagai Media Pembelajaran Tata Surya Berbasis Android Untuk Siswa <p>In the world of education, in general, the Solar System has begun to be taught to 6th grade elementary school students, in which the process of teaching the material places more emphasis on explanatory theory from textbooks and little practice using simple media. With so not a few students and female students who feel that, with this learning method it is felt that it is very less effective. Development of an android application using Augmented Reality technology as a Solar System learning medium using the Marker Based Tracking method and based on Distance, Light Intensity and Usability testing, in order to be able to provide an innovation with learning methods that can create an interactive learning communication between students and teachers. In developing applications using Unity 3D and Vuforia Engine software to be able to provide interesting and interactive alternative learning media for students of SDN 2 Kelut Kab. cool. The method used in application design is the Marker Based Tracking method because the use of markers will be more effective and interactive if used for learning purposes. The Waterfall model is the model used in developing this application. Application testing is carried out by testing the distance, light intensity, and usability. The test results get the ideal use of the application at a medium distance (30-40 cm), with scenes during the day (90-120 lux), at night (40-50 lux). In the usability test, it gets a value of 90.6% or "Very Good".</p> Muhammad Jauhar Alfi Tsani, Pradana Ananda Raharja Copyright (c) 2023 Muhammad Jauhar Alfi Tsani, Pradana Ananda Raharja Fri, 17 Feb 2023 00:00:00 +0700 Studi Pendahuluan Kadar Bioetanol Nira Nipah Dengan Penambahan Saccharomyces Cerevisiae <p>Energy is a basic need of both developing and developed countries. The need for this energy is still supplied by most of the raw materials that are neither renewable nor environmentally friendly. The raw materials are coal and oil. Therefore, a new energy source that is renewable and environmentally friendly is needed, one of which is bioethanol. This research is a preliminary study to see the ability of Saccharomyces cerevisiae in converting nipa sap into bioethanol. The bioethanol obtained was analyzed for gum levels using a Brix refractometer and obtained a sugar concentration of 10%. Then as much as 5 liters of nipa sap added Saccharomyces cerevisiae with a concentration variation of 1%; 2.5%; 5%; 7.5% and 10%. The addition of nutrients in the form of urea and NPK was added to each variation in the concentration of Saccharomyces cerevisiae. The fermentation time was carried out for 4 days in the bioreactor. The highest decrease in sugar content in the bioreactor was found in 10% Saccharomyces cerevisiae as much as 87.1%, this also affected the increase in bioethanol up to 10% concentration.</p> Mochammad Imam Indra Gumirat, Raafi Abshor, Ashila Rosya Nasution, Arendra Krisna Winggiono, Dodi Satriawan Copyright (c) 2023 Mochammad Imam Indra Gumirat, Raafi Abshor, Ashila Rosya Nasution, Arendra Krisna Winggiono, Dodi Satriawan Fri, 17 Feb 2023 00:00:00 +0700 Optimalisasi Vigenere dan Beaufort Cipher Menggunakan Teknik Fibonacci Untuk Citra Digital <p>One of the most popular Cryptographic Algorithms is the Vigenere Cipher Algorithm. Until now, digital crime or cybercrime in Indonesia continues to increase, one of the cybercrime actions that often occurs and is quite dangerous is the occurrence of leakage, manipulation, and misuse of digital data. The purpose of this research is as a way to overcome data leakage cases by utilizing the Vigenere and Beaufort Cipher Algorithms and optimization of the Fibonacci Technique which is applied to digital image data. The results of this study obtained the highest entropy value of 7.991. Tests carried out using UACI on RGB ciphers yielded a percentage value of 44% and 44.3% for CMY ciphers. While the results for the highest NPCR value were obtained from RGB image ciphers of 99.8% and CMY image ciphers of 99.8%. With the acquisition of these values, it can be concluded that the encryption process carried out can run well. In addition, the resulting image still has good quality with the acquisition of an entropy value close to 8. Another conclusion, with the value shown by the NPCR results, means that the cipher image has a very low similarity when compared to the original image. For the decryption process, it was concluded that the process was going well, as evidenced by the value of the deciper image which was exactly the same as the original image, indicated by the MSE, UACI, NPCR is 0, and PSNR is inf values.</p> Danang Wahyu Utomo, Chirsty Atika Sari Copyright (c) 2023 Chirsty Atika Sari, Danang Wahyu Utomo Fri, 17 Feb 2023 00:00:00 +0700 Rancang Bangun Mesin “Tipipiel One” Pengolah Sampah Plastik Menjadi Biji Plastik Dengan Metode Pelletizing <p>A modern human life is difficult to be separated from plastic. According to data&nbsp; from the Ministry of Environment (KLH), the population of Indonesia produces 0.8 kg of waste per person every day with a total of 189 thousand tons of waste per day, while 15% of this result is plastic waste with a total of 28.4 thousand tons of plastic waste. per day. The plastic waste will accumulate if left continuously without any processing, so that it can cause environmental problems and can cause health problems. Therefore, the "Tipipiel One" machine was made as an alternative to process plastic waste, especially the type of Polyethylene Terephthalate (PET) into plastic pellets using the pelletizing method which consists of four processes, that is melting, printing, cooling and cutting until plastic pellets are produced. The success of making the "Tipipiel One" machine can be seen from the quality of the plastic pellets produced by the machine. The optimal temperature for melting Polyethylene Terephthalate (PET) plastic waste using the "Tipipiel One" machine is 200 <sup>o</sup>C. The capacity of this machine only reaches 0.08 kg/hour due to the very small barrel size. Meanwhile, the electrical energy required for the "Tipipiel One" engine for 8 hours of operation is 9.372 kWh. With the "Tipipiel One" machine, it is hoped that it can reduce the pile of garbage in the environment and prevent environmental pollution caused by plastic waste.</p> Sumayya Syarafina, Saipul Bahri, Rosita Dwityaningsih Copyright (c) 2023 Sumayya Syarafina, Saipul Bahri, Rosita Dwityaningsih Fri, 17 Feb 2023 00:00:00 +0700 Pengamanan File Lampiran Pada Email Berbasis TLS Menggunakan Algoritma AES dan LSB <p>Along with the development of the technological era in the increasingly rapid digital world, the crimes that may occur in the digital world are also growing. One of the problems that is quite dangerous is the occurrence of theft. In the digital world, data theft is very possible, including the theft of important or even unimportant data. This study will discuss data theft that can occur in the process of sending email. Email servers such as Google, with their product, Gmail, use Transport Layer Security (TLS) as a security system and produce an application that can be used for it. However, it turns out that the security system cannot work optimally if one of the recipients or senders does not use TLS as a security system. Cryptography and Steganography are methods that can maximize the function of securing the email data. In this research, Advanced Encryption Standard (AES) is used as a method of Cryptography, and Least Significant Bit (LSB) which is a method of Steganography. One of the good things that can be obtained from using LSB is that LSB does not use too many computational processes, which will reduce the performance of devices that will also perform AES processes. The results obtained from this study are the process of securing data on email using AES and LSB successfully anticipates the shortcomings of using TLS.</p> Lekso Budi Handoko, Chaerul Umam Copyright (c) 2023 Lekso Budi Handoko, Chaerul Umam Fri, 17 Feb 2023 00:00:00 +0700 Verifikasi Kesesuaian Alat Keselamatan Terhadap Non Convention Vessel Standard Pada Tug Boat 2 x 1100 HP <p>Tug boat is a type of ship that serves to pull or push other ships for operational purposes. The process of making a ship, the planning stage of safety equipment equipment is a step that is taken into account because it involves the safety of the lives of passengers. Problems that often occur in the field are the lack of supervision and the error of certain parties so that the safety equipment that should refer to the regulations is not implemented. The purpose of this study was to verify the safety equipment on one of the newly completed 2 x 1100 HP Tug Boats at company X with reference to Chapter IV NCVS regulations. The steps taken in the research are the stage of entering ship data, the stage of determining the applicable regulations, the stage of verifying the safety equipment equipment, and recaping the verification results. The research that has been carried out shows that 10 items were obtained related to the installation of Liferaft, Lifebuoy With Self Igniting Light, Lifebuoy With Lifeline, Rocket Parachute Flare, Red Hand Flare, Orange Smoke Signal, Line Throwing, SART, and Two way radio telephon. with regulations. There is one finding that the use of life jackets is still not appropriate in terms of placement with reference to the NCVS regulations.</p> <p><em>&nbsp;</em></p> Naufal Abdurrahman Prasetyo, Muhammad Iqbal, Domi Kamsyah, Nurul Fadhilah, Nidia Yuniarsih Copyright (c) 2023 Naufal Abdurrahman Prasetyo, Muhammad Iqbal, Domi Kamsyah, Nurul Fadhilah, Nidia Yuniarsih Fri, 17 Feb 2023 00:00:00 +0700 Pengaruh Variasi Rasio Perekat Terhadap Nilai Kalor Briket dari Ranting Kayu dan Sekam Padi <p>Wood twigs are solid waste that is usually used as fuel. However, people prefer to use LPG gas as a heat source for daily cooking. Wood twigs are rarely used by the community as a source of fuel. Around Kamulyan Beach Cilacap there are scattered wooden branches. In Cilacap Regency there is agricultural waste, especially in rice fields, namely husk waste. Experiments to increase the use of beach wood husks and twigs as materials for making briquettes with 10%, 15%, and 20% tapioca flour adhesives. The purpose of this study is to determine the effect of variations in adhesive portions in percent of a briquette on its heating value. Results of the study exhibit the change of heating value with variations in adhesive portions. Adhesive of 20% w/w produces the highest heat of 28139,33 calori, second highest is produced from briquettes with 15% w/w adhesive, which is 2713,44 calori and the lowest is from 10% adhesive briquettes with a heating value of 2612,93 calori. The higher portion of adhesive will increase briquette’s heating value because it tighten particles and harden briquettes that extend heat produced. The quality of A, B, C briquettes compared to market briquettes measured by their heating value is market briquettes has much lower heating value than A, B and C which are only 1507,46 calori.</p> <p><em>&nbsp;</em></p> Rena Jayana, Theresia Evila Purwanti Sri Rahayu Copyright (c) 2023 Rena Jayana, Theresia Evila Purwanti Sri Rahayu Fri, 17 Feb 2023 00:00:00 +0700 Sistem Kendali Kunci Otomatis Pada Motor Matic Menggunakan Mikrokontroler Berbasis Android <p>The control system to regulate the on and off of the motorcycle engine which can also be used as a form of vehicle security should be designed and created as effectively as possible so that the safety of the motorcycle can be maintained and the risk of the vehicle being lost can be minimized. The system designed in this research is focused on how an automatic motorcycle engine can be turned on and off using microcontroller technology based on the android operating system. The working procedure of this system is to enter data on android using a web browser and google assistant, then the ESP 32 microcontroller component is in charge of forwarding and controlling the data. The testing process carried out in this study resulted in the conclusion that the maximum Wi-Fi distance between the ESP32 microcontroller and the android on the motorcycle to control the motorcycle engine was approximately 16 meters. This system is also capable of being a smart control machine to turn on the motor engine using voice commands by the driver using the help of the Google Assistant. This security system is not limited to security when the motorbike is stationary or when the motorbike is parked, this security can also be present when the vehicle is in use, and when the motorbike is left by the driver when it is on, the motorbike will automatically turn off if the ESP32 microcontroller is outside. Wi-Fi/Hotspot coverage originating from android devices.</p> Bonifacius Vicky Indriyono, Eko Hari Rachmawanto, Choerul Umam, Natalinda Pamungkas, Faiz Yusa Saidalvi Copyright (c) 2023 Bonifacius Vicky Indriyono, Eko Hari Rachmawanto, Choerul Umam, Natalinda Pamungkas, Faiz Yusa Saidalvi Fri, 17 Feb 2023 00:00:00 +0700 Penerapan Flutter Untuk Aplikasi ATK Bank Indonesia Perwakilan Purwokerto Berbasis Android Tablet <p>Currently, there are many organizations or companies that use mobile technology in their main business processes. This mobile technology is designed in such a way by companies to make work easier and become superior value. Along the way, Bank Indonesia's Purwokerto Representative Office had difficulties in demonstrating transparency in reporting the use of office stationery. It's a coincidence that the client has an inventory of tablet computers that can be utilized as an application platform to be used. So he asked for help with CV. Kusuma Buana to develop an application to solve existing problems. After a meeting of representatives from Bank Indonesia, the Purwokerto Representative Office, and the product owner from CV. Kusuma Buana, it was decided that the application was developed as an office stationery management application called ATK BI. The purpose of this research is that this research is part of the implementation of the Ministry of Education and Culture's apprenticeship MBKM program. Producing an application that can guarantee the honesty of reporting on the collection of office stationery for Bank Indonesia employees at the Purwokerto Representative Office. The limitations of this research are making applications using Flutter. The results of this study are the ATK BI application with features such as a list for picking up goods, taking photos for verification, verification of withdrawals that can only be done by a verifier, and printing reports for picking up office stationery. Based on the research results, it can be concluded that the Flutter programming framework can be used to create applications that meet the reporting needs of retrieving office stationery within the Bank Indonesia Purwokerto Representative Office.</p> Daffa Arya Agusta, Akhyar Maulana, Muhammad Zidan Fathoni Copyright (c) 2023 Daffa Arya Agusta, Akhyar Maulana, Muhammad Zidan Fathoni Fri, 17 Feb 2023 00:00:00 +0700 Efektivitas Karbon Aktif Dari Sekam Padi Dengan Aktivator H3PO4 Sebagai Media Filter Penjerapan CO2 Dari Biogas <p>Petroleum is a non-renewable fossil fuel. The alternative energie that can restore petroleum is biogas. Biogas produce carbondioxide (CO<sub>2</sub>), hydrogen sulfide (H<sub>2</sub>S), methane (CH<sub>4</sub>), and other gases from anaerobic activity by methanogenic bacteria. Carbondioxide in biogas is an impurity gas which can cause the CH<sub>4</sub> content to decrease. An effective way to increase CH<sub>4</sub> and minimize CO<sub>2</sub> content is by purifying biogas using the adsorption method. This study aims to make activated carbon filter media from rice husks activated using phosphoric acid (H3PO4), to obtain characteristics of activated carbon from rice husks, and to determine the effectiveness of activated carbon from rice husks as a CO2 absorber in biogas. This study has the benefit of utilizing rice husks into activated carbon by being activated using phosphoric acid (H3PO4). The method used for the characterization of activated carbon is in accordance on SNI 06-3730-1995 also the adsorption method used is by measuring the gas before going through the filter media (inlet) and the gas after going through the filter media (outlet). The results showed that activated carbon from rice husks had a moisture matter of 1-2%, ash subtance of 30-43%, then iodine absorption amount of 1200-1250 mg/g and activated carbon from rice husks effective for absorbing CO<sub>2</sub>.</p> Miranda Indah Pangesti, Rosita Dwityaningsih, Dodi Satriawan Copyright (c) 2023 Miranda Indah Pangesti, Rosita Dwityaningsih, Dodi Satriawan Fri, 17 Feb 2023 00:00:00 +0700 Usability Testing Sistem Informasi Infak Dhafa Pondok Pesantren <p><em>The Baitul Qur'an Asy Suyuti Maribaya Purbalingga Islamic Boarding School is a social institution that was established as a concrete step that focuses on the field of da'wah. The activities carried out include, once a month, giving compensation to orphans and the poor. Based on observations made by researchers. Donors donate by depositing directly or through officers who will take infaq from house to house, then the managed infaq funds are recorded in the record book for the management of incoming and outgoing calculations, the recording process which is still written in the book results in errors occurring either in writing or forgetting to write it down. Another problem experienced is the limited number of officers causing the collection of infaq funds to take a long time and in making reports they are still inputted into books which are likely to experience errors both in terms of the amount of infaq, this reduces the integrity of Islamic boarding schools and social institutions. This research focuses on the development of the Dhafa Infak Information System at the Baitul Quran Asy-Syuyuti Purbalingga Islamic Boarding School based on the level of usability testing to make it easier for officers to manage donor data, income, financial expenditure, and more accurate reporting. Based on the calculation results of usability testing, the test value is 87.52, which can be concluded that the system has provided satisfaction to most users because it is included in the "Very Good" category.</em></p> Ratih Hafsarah Maharrani, Heru Anafi, Prih Diantono Abda’u Copyright (c) 2023 Ratih Hafsarah Maharrani, Heru Anafi, Prih Diantono Abda’u Fri, 17 Feb 2023 00:00:00 +0700 Pengembangan Back End Pada Aplikasi Alat Tulis Kantor Bank Indonesia Perwakilan Purwokerto Menggunakan Nodejs <p>In the Inventory Department at Bank Indonesia Purwokerto Representatives, previously the process of recording goods retrieval or self service was done manually by writing in a notebook so that the recording process was slow and prone to lost records. From these problems, an office stationery application was developed based on the Application Programming Interface (API) as the back end and implemented to mobile android as the front end. Development of the back end using the node.js programming language with the adonis framework, js and the database used is mysql. Application development is done by applying the scrum development method. The development of the ATK BI application was carried out in three sprints. This research produces an API-based application with a REST architecture in terms of the back end to facilitate the process of picking up goods and can be applied to an Android mobile application as a user interface. The development of this system can make it easier for users to collect data on taking goods, find out critical stock items, print goods retrieval reports and the office stationery information system database has been integrated on the server.</p> Trias Bratakusuma, Irvan Ulul Azmi, Sekar Ayuningtiyas Copyright (c) 2023 Trias Bratakusuma, Irvan Ulul Azmi, Sekar Ayuningtiyas Fri, 17 Feb 2023 00:00:00 +0700 Perancangan Website Katalog Online Aksesoris Handphone Berbasis Framework Laravel Menggunakan Metode Rapid Application Development <p>Cepek Cell is a shop that sells various cellphone accessories. Currently, the promotion and advertising process is still using the printed or manual model, where customers see directly the collections available in the store. Based on the case study the author designed an online catalog website based on the Laravel framework which is expected to help the process of promoting or advertising goods, expanding the scope of promotions and advertisements so as to provide benefits for customers and stores. In the development of the system the author designed the system using the php programming language and laravel version 7.1 as a framework. Using Xampp 3.2.4 as MySql database connection. System testing is carried out directly by the user on each existing function. The number of respondents involved is about 10 users who use the black box testing method. In order for the online catalog website of mobile phone accessories to function as a storefront facility and stock availability of merchandise, in this study, a website design was carried out by considering the storefront function and stock administration. Storefront features include product names, product prices, product stock, contact chat, product images, product ratings and product tags. Product stock administration features include adding products, product lists, product catalogs and adding product tags. There are suggestions in supporting research for the next developer, namely adding a transaction process for customers or guests and to increase the quality of the performance of the store, the financial report feature can be added.</p> Rendi Priambodo, Novian Adi Prasetyo, Irwan Susanto Copyright (c) 2023 Rendi Priambodo, Novian Adi Prasetyo, Irwan Susanto Fri, 17 Feb 2023 00:00:00 +0700 Studi Kasus Pemilihan Jenis Runner pada Injection Molding Plastik <p>Injection molding is one of the most widely used methods of the plastic production process. This is indicated by grow up of mold makers company. Based on the placement of the filling channel into cavity, they are 2 (two) types. The first is cold runner or convensional and the second is hot runner. The purpose of this research is to collect advantages and disadvantages of each based on a case study. So that it can be taken into consideration in determining the appropriate runner. The research was conducted on a cold runner mold which was then modified using a hot runner. The comparison before and after the modification results in the runner weight ratio dropping from 60% to zero percent. The step of the mold opening decreased from 170 mm to 75 mm or by 44%.</p> Puji Basuki, Agustien Zulaidah, Ricka Prasdiantika Copyright (c) 2023 Puji Basuki, Agustien Zulaidah, Ricka Prasdiantika Fri, 17 Feb 2023 00:00:00 +0700