Rancang Bangun Sistem Automatic Semi Returnless Berbasis Arduino Uno pada Engine Caterpillar C27 Studi Kasus PT. Sapta Indra Sejati

  • Sulis Widi Achmad Sukisno Akademi Teknik Wacana Manunggal Semarang
  • Joko Suparno Akademi Teknik Wacana Manunggal Semarang
  • Dimas Ardiansyah Halim Akademi Teknik Wacana Manunggal Semarang
Abstract views: 162 , pdf downloads: 433


Pump units with a Caterpillar C27 engine with an EUI (Electronic Unit Injector) fuel system that often has
low power due to filter clogging at PT. Sapta Indra Sejati. Filter cloggingoccurs due to due to the thickened
biofuel content and creates a crust. If the machine has a problem, the mining process can be disrupted because the
coal loading area is flooded. This study aims to create an additional system in the form of a automatic semi-
returnless where the fuel return line is changed automatically into the filter because the fuel return is clean. The
movement of the return control valve is regulated by a microcontroller which is programmed according to
specifications and needs. The microcontroller used is Arduino Unowith pressure and temperature sensors.
Arduino Uno is programmed when the engine will experience low power with a fuel pressure of 400 kPa then the
return path is changed to semi returnless. With a change in the semi returnless path, the pressure becomes stable
at 380 kPa and the engine RPM is stable with power that is still maintained. The advantages of semi-returnless
system are that filter replacement costs can be reduced and production time is not interrupted.

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