Uji Kinerja Metode Deep Convolutional Neural Networks Untuk Identifikasi Gangguan Daya Listrik

  • Sunneng Sandino Berutu Universitas Kristen Immanuel Yogyakarta
Abstract views: 252 , PDF downloads: 276
Keywords: power, disturbance, signal, convolutional neural networks


The identification model development of the power disturbance signals with the deep convolutional neural networks (CNNs) method involves a large amount of data. However, the real signal data is limited. Therefore, researchers employ synthetic signal data. These signals can be generated by the formula IEEE standardized. In these formulas, two categories have a similar formula i.e interruption and sag. The difference is only in the intensity parameter (α). This paper analyzed the model performance of identifying those disturbances where the intensity values are set differently for training and testing datasets based on the upper bound value α of sag and the lower bound value α of interruption. Several noise levels are included in the signals. So, there are several datasets with noises in this simulation. Furthermore, those datasets are trained using the model based on deep CNN. The test results show that the true positive (TP) of the model's performance in identifying the interruption signal is 93.54% and the sag signal is 78.78%. In addition, the performance of the model using a dataset without noise obtained a high percentage in accuracy, precision, and f1-score parameters with 92.4%, 97.4%, and 92,76%, respectively.

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