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Keywords: Klasifikasi, Kelulusan Siswa, Data Mining, Prediksi, Algoritma C4.5, Algoritma Genetika, T-test.


SMK 2 Cimahi is an educational institution Vocational high school in Cimahi. Vocational high schools play an important role in creating the best graduates for the needs of the workforce. The graduation process is the latest activity of student management. Student graduation criteria for national exams must meet minimum scores, complete all subjects, take school exams, national exams, and competency tests. In the 2015 class of 300 students, students who did not pass the national exam were 1 student, in the 2016 class of 299 students, students who did not pass the national exam were 1 student, whereas in the 2017 class totaling 302 students 100% students graduate on time. However in the coming year, it is still unknown whether students will be 100% graduated or not. Therefore this study was conducted to predict student graduation using the C4.5 algorithm + Genetic Algorithm. C4.5 algorithm has an accuracy rate of 99.78%, precision of 99.78%, 100% recall and 1 second execution time. While the C4.5 + genetic algorithm has an accuracy rate of 99.78%, precision of 99.78%, 100% recall AUC 0.500, and 36 second execution time and after T-test testing between the C4.5 Algorithm and C4 Algorithm .5 +, Genetic Algorithm is said to be significant if alpha = 0.050. The results of this study obtained alpha = 1,000.


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