Klasifikasi Opini Publik di Twitter Terhadap Bakal Calon Presiden Indonesia Tahun 2024 Menggunakan LSTM Secara Realtime Berbasis Website

  • Muhammad Rizki Politeknik Harapan Bersama
  • Muhammad Fikri Hidayattullah Politeknik Harapan Bersama
  • Dwi Intan Af'idah Politeknik Harapan Bersama
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Keywords: public opinion, presidential election, LSTM, realtime, dashboard


The analysis of public opinions from Indonesian netizens regarding the potential presidential candidates for Indonesia in 2024 on Twitter is challenging. Human-based classification of the candidates on Twitter has limitations as it requires expertise and a considerable amount of time to process the data. Therefore, a system that provides realtime visualization of public opinion classification is necessary. Previous research only focused on model evaluation, while this study aims to implement the best model on a website. The objective of this research is to develop a system for monitoring the Twitter-based public opinion classification of the potential presidential candidates for Indonesia in 2024 within specific time frames. The training process utilizes the LSTM method, resulting in a model with an accuracy of 76%. Parameters such as batch size, dropout, and learning rate were tested. The data used in this study was obtained by crawling Twitter using the keywords Ganjar Pranowo, Anies Baswedan, and Prabowo Subianto. The LSTM model was then implemented in a website-based system that generates a dashboard with features such as a color-coded map displaying the highest levels of positive sentiment for each candidate in each province, the overall classification count for each candidate, and filters for sentiment classification based on province and specific time frames. 


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