Rancang Bangun Sistem Pengisian Otomatis Merica Bubuk Berbasis Kontroler Arduino Nano

  • Zaenurohman Zaenurohman Politeknik Negeri Cilacap
  • Galih Mustiko Aji Politeknik Negeri Cilacap
  • Hera Susanti Politeknik Negeri Cilacap
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Keywords: pepper powder, autofill, arduino nano, conveyor


Pepper powder is currently widely marketed in packaged form. The process of packing pepper manually has several drawbacks. In addition to the speed of the packaging process, there is also the problem of weighing the packaging accurately. This study aims to design and build a tool for automatically filling pepper powder into bottles based on Arduino Nano. Conveyors are used to place bottles precisely at the filling position. The process of filling the powdered pepper automatically starts after the bottle is detected by the photoelectric sensor. A Screw is used to put the ground pepper into the bottle, while the load cell sensor is used to measure the weight of the powdered pepper filling. The performance of this filling system shows that the average duration of filling time is 0.97 seconds per gram, while the accuracy of reading the weight of filling pepper powder has an error rate of 2.78%. Information during the filling process, which includes the weight of the powder that has entered the bottle, the amount of production, and information on the remaining ingredients available in the hopper, can be properly monitored through the HMI display.


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